Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keep Your Chin Up!

We live in world where we are surrounded by negativity, the News radio, our friends, family, co-workers, and

classmates. Everyone seem to want to complain and gripe about whats bothering them the News is an obvious

downer and I could probably count ten ad's for Divorce, and another ten negative sounding weather reports in a

 half hour. I choose not to watch the News, I try and change the subject to something positive when people

are talking negative and I change the station or plug in my I-pod when I've heard enough. I only look at the

 weather long enough to know how to dress. Let's not forget the people that talk the most of sickness and

 misery have the most of that and the the people that speak the most health wealth and prosperity have the

most of that! Please share on how you keep your chin up and don't forget to pass this blog along everyone needs it even if they don't want it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Keeping it in check and The creative process!

I know it's hard to believe but even the PMA guru has a bad day and needs to be put in place by someone else! Having a PMA is like having a new born baby or a puppy it brings you lots of joy but needs a lot of attention at first but it definitely should not be as much work, it shouldn't be any work at all. When your mind is not focused on your PMA it begins to wander and even go back to its old ways of thinking. NOT GOOD! I keep what I call a totem in my pocket at all times it's a stone that I call my gratitude stone. I hold it and think about all the things I'm grateful for and try to turn my attention and focus back on having a PMA! Most of the time it works but sometime it takes another person to point out that I'm still not on track. Try not forget we are always learning and evolving and NO ONE is perfect! Since we are constantly creating a PMA and having gratitude are the keys. When I used to think of creating I would think of it as fantasizing about having a bigger better house a nicer car and always more money.....Well that is what creating is you can have all that stuff or what ever it is that you want but if your not already grateful for what you have and not just symbolically saying it but feeling grateful deep down about what you have then creating something new will be a challenge. The PMA comes into play because like attracts like if you are thinking positively then positive things will happen to help you accomplish those goals. If you start out the day smashing your head on cupboard and you get snow in your shoes and your boss yells at you your day will spiral out of control and more bad things will happen to you. (never go to bed feeling mad bad or upset always finish the day and start the next one anew) You can at any time decide to turn it around and decide to get your PMA back on track. Case in point the law of attraction states that like attracts like and that your thoughts are thing they will manifest into the real world in one form or another hope fully in the form that you want them to be, which is why the rich get richer the poor get poorer the sick get sicker the healthy get healthier and the prosperous continue to prosper. More on creating next time for now remember were not her for long time were here for good time! Take a look at this a Cute kid with a great example of what we all need to do!