Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keep Your Chin Up!

We live in world where we are surrounded by negativity, the News radio, our friends, family, co-workers, and

classmates. Everyone seem to want to complain and gripe about whats bothering them the News is an obvious

downer and I could probably count ten ad's for Divorce, and another ten negative sounding weather reports in a

 half hour. I choose not to watch the News, I try and change the subject to something positive when people

are talking negative and I change the station or plug in my I-pod when I've heard enough. I only look at the

 weather long enough to know how to dress. Let's not forget the people that talk the most of sickness and

 misery have the most of that and the the people that speak the most health wealth and prosperity have the

most of that! Please share on how you keep your chin up and don't forget to pass this blog along everyone needs it even if they don't want it!

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