Monday, January 31, 2011

Being Grateful

Being grateful is the key to a healthy PMA and essential for the laws of attraction other wise known as creating. You are always creating, but when you have a negative attitude or your not grateful for what you already have then this will slow or produce the opposite of what your trying to create. Even when your life seems to be at it's worst and you couldn't possibly imagine it getting any worse, that is what your putting out into the universe and the universe is sure to deliver something worse. Sorry for the bad news but there is something you can do about it. Find something be grateful for if your reading this blog then I know that you can read and that's a bigger gift than you could possibly imagine. There's also a good chance that your warm and fed. No need to take the time to feel bad about all the people who aren't as well off as you right now they will get there if they want to. The purpose of the statement was not meant to make feel bad or sorry for some one else it was only meant to make you realize that you have way more to be grateful for then you some times recognize! The great news is that if you combine being grateful to your daily life the way that you have started to maintain your PMA then this will accelerates your powers of creativity to a speed as powerful as you are grateful! Today I'm the most grateful for all the people who just read this.

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