Sunday, January 30, 2011


I created this blog to use as a tool and to share the awesome transformation my life has gone through since using this amazing tool called a positive mental attitude or P.M.A. More importantly to me is to share this and many other concepts like it with the world to help everyone get what they really want out of life. We are not here to suffer there is plenty for everyone and everyone can have what they want IF they know how to get it.
I have been studding the laws of attraction, positive energy, and mental conditioning for about seven years. I would make some progress then fall back I would study some more make more progress the fall back even further. Then I reached my lowest point I had a great job making plenty of money, a new house and two new cars. I would go to work every day and think to my self that my life would be so much better if I didn't have all of these bills and I could keep more of my pay check. I would come home every night grouchy and I would sit down and watch the news and focus on the bad economy until I fell asleep. To my surprise the universe responded to my demands and literally pulled the rug out from under me. I got laid off from my job and in two years lost everything my house, cars, my dignity and self respect. ended up living with my family in my father in laws basement. My self and my family weren't the only ones having problems it seemed everyone close to us, their world was crumbling to. I decided to go back to my old books and see where I had gone wrong and what discovered was that I never stop creating. I had thought that once I had the cars and the house that the creating was over I was WRONG! all of my negative thoughts and emotion were still change the world around me and I got what I had been asking for no bills and no anything for that matter. While in my  father in laws basement I decided to turn my attitude around and while starting the creative process again and trying to boost the family moral I was asking for some guidance The guidance came to me right away I was reading about affirmations when I got the opportunity to talk to a young wealthy business man and I asked him to tell me his secret to success he said it was easy he just had a PMA everyday with out fail and that even when bad things came his way he would refer back to his PMA. He pulled out his daily planner and on every page he had written PMA so that he could look at and focus on his main goal every day and several times a day a he made entries into the planner and he suggested that I do the same. I put all of faith I had into this concept and took action. I went out that day and got a planner I wrote PMA on the cover and on several pages inside I started to feel better right away! I started taking some training for a job that I really didn't want but I did it with a positive attitude, I stopped watching the news and every time someone had something negative to say I would try to put a positive twist on on it and try to make them feel good. I could feel that things were starting to change for me even though I couldn't see any differences. I started to day dream again and imagine getting my family out of the basement and into a place of our own. I tried to convince my wife to dream along with me even though she was feeling bad about our current situation. She thought it was silly of me to be on real estate website looking at homes for rent when we didn't have two pennies to rub together but she would humor me. One night she had a dream of house she had never seen before and the next morning she decided to do our taxes to see if we were going to get even a little money back that we might be able to have a little fun with and to her surprise she discovered that we were getting a very large return back and when she finished filing she was already overwhelmed with excitement knowing that we would be able to use the money to move out and that I was getting a the job that I had been training for. She close the tax program to find that I had a real estate  page tab open so she clicked on it and it was the house that she had dreamed about the night before. Two months latter we moved in. I started working and have not stopped creating we had some financial challenge in the begging and every time one would come come up I would think about it in a positive manner always looking to my planner knowing that I was constantly creating and I would say things like I need a little more money right now rather that I don't have enough and several times I would do that there would be an unexpected check in the mail to more than cover what I need. One after noon I was sitting out side thinking about how much I liked my old job that I had gotten laid off from over two years ago and how I would love to make that kind of money again when out of the blue an old friend from that job called me and asked me if they had called me back to work yet! A few weeks latter I was back working there and I still creating better things every day.I know this was along story but it's only the tip of the ice burg of what a PMA has done for me and what a PMA can do for you. This blog is going to be the best tool to help me stay focused on my PMA and to help me to remember that not only am I constantly creating but just  how grateful I am to be where I am. Being grateful will be the next topic that I blog about. My posts probably won't be this long in the future I just wanted to share some background and I'm really looking forward to reading your stories too. Bye for now!